Late Twenties and Broke

Who is Jonny B?

Who is Jonny B?

He’s me!

Welcome to Late Twenties and Broke, I’m your host Jonny B. You want some random facts?

-I was born in Canada
-I moved to the USA at age 25
-I left behind $6,000 in RRSP funds, abandoned in the icy tundra of Ontario, never to migrate due to double-taxation laws. They will breed in captivity and never be able to leave their plexiglass cage for decades and decades.
-I did stand up comedy for about 6 months and made a whopping total of $0. I didn’t even get any free drinks.
-I’ve had three separate businesses at different times in my life and I’ve dumped over a year of time, money, and energy into each. If you add all three together, my total business revenue for three years was less than $500. I’m a great businessman, I know.
-This blog is my fourth attempt at running a business.
-I’ve recently started fixing iPhones as a hobby.
-I’m reluctant to bike to work even though I know it’s a good idea.
-Some people would describe me as being short in stature. However, I am the average height of man in India. (And that’s the world’s largest democracy, therefore the most accurate sample size). So I am actually very average in height, Americans are just tall.
-I like soup. I’m a big soup fan. Chicken broth, beef broth, I love it all. Big soup guy over here.
-When I moved to the USA, I married my hometown sweetheart and brought her with me.
-We divorced 3 months later.
-I have attended many AA meetings, and in December 2021 I will hit 3 years sober.
-As of October 1st 2021, I have $5,700 in my savings account and my credit card is at -$5,700.

My Financial Goals for 2021-2025
-Pay my credit card down to zip, nada, zero.
-Build my savings account up. Somewhere between $20,000 and $50,000 is the goal.
-Use that money (minus emergency fund) to buy a duplex and househack it.

So who is Jonny B? I’m just a guy, man. A guy who wants to stop buying junk, start biking to work again, and really pay off my credit card. I just need a little public accountability to keep me on track.