Credit Card Debt Late Twenties and Broke Net Worth Updates

CREDIT CARD IS PAID OFF – December 2023 Net Worth Update

Well hello folks, welcome back to Late Twenties and Broke. I’m your host Jonny F, and yes you read that correctly – my credit card is PAID OFF.

late twenties and broke credit card paid off

Yes, last update I chopped my credit card down from 4k to only $1,100.A pretty amazing feat for me in only 3 months. A couple weeks later, my next paycheck hit, and I paid that shit off. Zero, baby. And that’s it, I’m debt free.

With all that being said, let’s dig into the numbers and see how the overall picture looks now.

PLTR$4,128.00(200 shares). $3,632. Well, PLTR has swung down again. Still making some income selling annual out-of-the-money calls though. Holding it 5ever.
KO$1,8824.00 (31.81 shares) $1,862 (31.81 shares) Dipped another twenty bucks, but there is a dividend pending so it’s all good.
DOW$619.95(11.84 shares).$624.75 (11.99 shares) Same thing, share price went down but got a little DRIP.
VZ $266.59 (7.35 shares)$279.82 (7.35 shares) No change since November, aside from $5.
MO$1,226.48 (30.01 shares). $1,275.71 (30.01 shares) No real change from November, aside from $50.
TM$400.84 (2.07 shares)$388.30 (2.07 shares). No new DRIP, but there is a dividend pending.
STRC$68 (100 shares). $67.36 . This robotics company hasn’t released their Tony Stark Ironman suits yet, but a man can dream.
EDIT$19.60 (2 shares). $22.20 This company still doesn’t have the capabilities to develop X-men or Marvel superheroes.
Bitcoin$10,410.00 (0.274 BTC)$11,503 (0.274 BTC). Up another grand, which is awesome. But you know how BTC is, always swinging around.
BNB coin$829.92 (3.373BNB). $774.51 (3.37 BNB). Little dip, but it’s crypto. I always assume the dip lol.
DOGE$103.97(1601 coins)$143.40(1601 coins) Somehow I’m up $4 overall on this one? Nice. I’m used to being sixty dollars underwater.
Silver Coins&Bars$2,000 (Haven’t purchased any precious metals in Japan)
Employer 401K $25,456.04 $27,596.94 I’m gonna be honest, I’m too lazy to look this one up so we’ll just pretend it’s the same.
RRSPs trapped in Canada6,611.13USD 6,671.13 USD. Pretty standard. This only grows when Tesla goes crazy.
Savings $6,463.80 $6,465.09 Chilling.
Savings Certificate$519.86 $721.69 Added $200 to this, since I don’t have a credit card to worry about anymore.
Total Assets $59,388.90 $62,039.30 Jeeeeez, I did not expect to have $62,000 in assets. That’s actually phenomenal.
Credit Card-7,000.18 -5669.99 $-4,977.16. $4,033.64. $1,087.45.
New balance: $0.00
Credit Card #2$0.
Credit Card #3$0.
Total Debt$$1,087.45 $0.00
August 2023 Total: $60,951.85. $64, 657.68 Jeeeeez. Up another 3 and a half grand. In literally like, 2 weeks. I am so glad I paid off that damn credit card. Wow.
Officially in the 60K Club for the 2nd update in a row.

Wow, all I can say. From humble fuckin’ beginnings in California, I’ve like doubled my net worth since starting this blog. And become debt free. All while not making a cent off this website haha.

That’s enough rambling for me. Thanks for stopping by Late Twenties And Broke, and come back anytime.

Keep your stick on the ice,
-Jonny F